About Us
We are a small, family-run business located in Northern Colorado. We hand craft each of our candles with consistency and care. We are dedicated to making the finest beeswax products that are healthy and environmentally responsible as an alternative to candles made from petroleum materials. Beeswax burns cleaner and longer than synthetic materials.

Every single one of our candles are hand-crafted, 100% natural beeswax with pure cotton wicks. This allows for a cleaner and more sustainable burn. There are no chemicals, aroma enhancing, or adding agents in any of our products.

Our beeswax candles burn clean, emitting no soot or smoke. Due to this, you can expect a sound environment with no excessive toxic smoke or drips. Due to our filtration system and the nature of beeswax, our candles are naturally long burning. They are practical for families with individuals who have asthma or are sensitive to certain aromas. Our candles are great for illuminating your world, especially for those with allergies, as we use no potentially irritating ingredients.